Tuesday, April 4, 2017

8 Ways to Say Hello to Spring!

What's Your Favorite Season of the Year.

I hope you picked SPRING!

Enjoy a Meditation about Spring.

Dona Anderson
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Spring time on Vancouver Island, Canada begins early and is a long, gradual rebirth of all that is beautiful.

It's full of color, sounds and life.

I've let go of Fall (Autumn)  being my favorite season because of where we live.

Spring has taken over but both have some similarities. Not too hot & not too cold, and both offers us lots of interest, colors and change.

One comes from winter and the other leads into it. 

One starts to fill in the open spaces, the other again opens up the spaces.

Dona Anderson

Meditation to Celebrate the Treasures of 

Find a comfortable place to rest and over the next few minutes just connect with your breath.

Each inhale and exhale ...

Now begin to soften your eyes and ears ... 
soften your face ... 
soften your shoulders ... 

Feel yourself letting go of any tension and stress you may be holding, gently breathe and let it all go ...

Start to let go of old thoughts so you can replace them with the many 
Treasures of Spring ...

As thoughts and stresses leave your body, feel spaces opening up for 
your breath to move gently and freely ...

Bring awareness to this healing breath and to feelings of rejuvenation ... 

Bring awareness to new beginnings, a new season of growth,
change and rewards ...

 Feel your body, mind and breath now all opening and inviting Spring in ...

 This spring, Smile as you wake up to the sun rises filling your home with soft morning light.

 As new flowers bloom, Absorb their beauty, colors and soothing fragrances.

 Listen to the birds joyful songs of celebration as they return to begin again.

 Embrace the blossoms of the trees as their gifts to you and the world.

 Feel the freshness of soft drops of warm rain on your face.

 Notice the ongoing changes as gifts that connect you to new present moments.

 Breathe in and let gratitude fill your whole body with inner peace.

 And this spring instead of old thoughts and stresses, Invite in simplicity, ease, calm and freshness.

Smile. Absorb. Listen. Embrace. Feel. Notice. Breathe. Invite.

Now close our eyes and rest for a few more minutes ...


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